Category: Content
The Death of a Girl
by Ian David Hawkes View Screenplay
Speed Racer and the Child Empowered
by Amanda Barwick The character depictions of Rex, Speed, and Spritle in Speed Racer (2008) demonstrate a range of how children can be empowered within their own environments and understanding. The aesthetic, technology, and depiction of the family in the…
The Language of Color in Gattaca
by Daniel Tu Gattaca uses three basic colors to denote different shifts in the main character’s identity—yellow to illustrate his past, blue to depict his future and green to bridge the two. These subtle cues help us to understand on…
Serial Absurdity: Arrested Development and Wartime Comedy in the United States
by Anne Hart This essay explores the contrast between American wartime cultures of the 20th and 21st centuries by examining two popular comedy television shows in each century: Larry Gelbart’s MASH and Mitchell Hurwitz’s Arrested Development. While Arrested Development uses…